منتدي مافــــيـــا

اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش... 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
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ادارة المنتدي اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش... 103798

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدي مافــــيـــا

اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش... 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
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ادارة المنتدي اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش... 103798

منتدي مافــــيـــا

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

مــــافــــــــيــــا ... غيـــــر و أتـــغــــيــــر

2 مشترك

    اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش...

    السعيد نصير
    السعيد نصير
    المدير العام
    المدير العام

    العذراء ذكر
    عدد الرسائل : 1215
    العمر : 34
    تاريخ التسجيل : 05/09/2008
    نقاط : 30164
    السٌّمعَة : 4
    الدولة : مصر
    مزاجى : اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش... 8911
    المهنة : اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش... Collec10
    الهواية : اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش... Sports10

    اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش... Empty اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش...

    مُساهمة من طرف السعيد نصير الأربعاء أكتوبر 29, 2008 5:49 pm

    اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش... Testphpgif12aa6

    1-I LOVE two things you and flowers
    Flowers for you and you for me
    2- One kiss is not enough if I can have two
    One hug is not enough if I can have two
    One touch is not enough if I can have tow
    But one love is enough if I love you ...
    3- you took my heart with your smile
    you took my mind with your kindness
    you took my soul with your sweetness
    most of all you took my money to send this msg.
    4- the sky without stars...
    like sleep without dreams...
    like songs without music....
    like rose without smell.....
    like face without smile ...
    like me without you
    5- when it rains you don't see the sun ...
    , but it's there . I hope we'll be like that
    we don't see each other but we'll always , be there to help one other in need ...
    6-I have only tow arms to hold you
    two lips to kiss , 1 mind to think of you, but I hove 1,000,000reasons to love you
    7-if the day comes when I die ,and go up
    In the sky
    As am there so far
    I'll write ur name on every star
    so u look up and see
    how much u really mean 2 me
    8-No word is as beautiful as friend and no friend is as beautiful as u
    A friend is sweet when its new
    It's sweeter when It's true
    It's sweetest when its u
    9-when u feel lonely

    and need afriend
    hold this rope>>>>>>>>>>>>
    i will always be in the other end
    10-can u do something 4 me
    go to the window
    look to the sky
    can u see the stars

    can u acount them
    this is how much i miss u and even more
    11-Q: What is the difference between a battery and a woman?
    A: A battery has a positive side
    12-sometimes when i'm alone i close my eyes and wish that u are here with meand i start cry..u know why?because i forget that u are in my heart and i'm not alone
    13-sweet candies r easy 2 buy
    sweet words r easy 2 say
    but sweet persons like u r hard 2 find
    14- everyone says u can fall in love once but that's not true because every time i hear ur voice i fall in love all over again
    15- u can buy gifts but not love
    u can pretend smile but not happiness
    u can lie to other but not 2 urself
    u can have friends but not as good as Me!!
    16- can u do something for me go 2 the window look 2 thw sky can u see
    the stars , can u count them , this how much i miss u and even more
    17- when i saw u i was afraid to meet u
    when i meet u i was afraid to love u
    when i loved u i was afraid to lose u !!
    18-LOVE..isn't how long u've been together not how much u've give or receive
    not how many times u've helped each other....it's how much u VALUE
    each other
    19- if i die and go some where too far, i'll write ur name on every star
    of the sky so u can look up and see how much u mean to me
    20-ididn't eat the break fast coz i miss u , i didn't eat my lunch coz i miss u & i didn't eat my dinner coz i miss u too, i didn't sleep .....coz i'm so hungry
    21-love is like war....
    easy to start....
    difficult to end....
    impossible to forget...
    so i'm having war with you
    i hope that you don't peace faty
    22-choose the correct answer u r........
    a-my heart
    b-my life
    c-my spirit
    the answer a+b+c ur the soul of my life
    the beats of my heart
    ur my spirit
    23-Friends may not be seen every day together, but in eachs heart ... they stay forever
    24-If you hold 11 flowers
    and look to the mirror
    you will see the most
    beautiful 12 flowers in the word
    25-Of all the friends i ever met,
    your the one i wont forget,
    and if i die before u do, i'll
    go to heaven and wait for u.
    26-U r amizing so cute
    so nice so sweet
    u r a great body,
    sexy voice,cute smile
    kissable lips warmest
    touch,shing eyes..oops,sorry wrong number
    27-when the time comes
    4 u 2 give
    your heart 2 someone
    make sure that u
    select someone who will
    never break your heart
    because broken hearts have
    No Spareparts
    28-its hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your
    heart still does
    29-When I was born half of my soul is given to someone else; i spend all of my lives looking for our other half.
    30-Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile and finds in your presence that life is worth while so when you're lonely remember it's true somebody somewhere is thinking of you.
    31-The hardest way to miss someone is when you are sitting right next to them, knowing that you can't have them.
    32-A friend is someone who knows the song of your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.
    33-The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
    34-Sometimes it hurts more to smile in front of everyone than to cry all alone
    35-Funny how we feel so much but cannot say a word, we are screaming inside but we can't be heard.
    36-Everyone says you can only fall in love once, but that’s not true, ‘cause every time I hear your voice I fall in love all over again.
    37-If in my dreams is the only place I can hold you, I want to sleep forever!
    38- Love isn’t when you can imagine spending your life with someone; it’s when you can’t imagine your life without that person!
    39-When it hurts to look back, and you’re too scared to look ahead, look beside you and i will be there
    40-i miss you so much
    i can't leave you
    i can't go anywhere without you
    you are always with me
    oh my shoes! i like you
    41-A friend saw me hungry, he gave me food

    He saw me thirsty, he gave me pepsi

    He saw me in dark, he gave me light

    He saw me wizout problems, he gave me you..

    42- I am not sure what life could bring
    I am not sure if dreams come true

    I am not sure what love can do
    I am very sure about one thing .............. I MISS U
    43-the piano say
    u can forget ... do
    i can forget ... re
    u can't forget
    meeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    don't be angry
    i will tell you what toz means:

    t = take care of ur self
    o = of course i love u
    z = zero my life without u

    so ... a big toz to you...
    45-when it rains
    you don't see the sun
    but it's there.
    hope we can be like that
    we don't see each other
    but we'll always be
    there for each other...
    the moon looks like u !!!
    the stars are shining 4 u !!!
    the birds are singing 4 u !!!
    my heart says:
    i miss u
    47-( I MISS U )
    more than my eyes could ever see..
    more than my hand could ever touch ..
    and more than my lips could ever say
    ( I MISS U )
    48-when aboy says
    ( I LOVE U )
    this mean :
    L = lesa badre 3ala elgwaz..
    O = oh / i have no money
    v = villa ! no way
    e = enty 3abita to believe me !!!!!!!
    49-brain to think of you.
    heart to trust in you.
    eyes to look at you.
    hands to touch you.
    mouse to say i miss you.
    foot to kick you if u don't miss me.
    50-if i had one single wish i'd to be ur tears to be born in ur eyes,live on your cheeks
    die on your lips.but if u were my tears i'd never cry coz i fear of losing you.
    51-when u fell lonly ur life empty! the world is so dark no one beside u! i will be under ur window on white horse saying

    الحمل ذكر
    عدد الرسائل : 252
    العمر : 34
    تاريخ التسجيل : 05/09/2008
    نقاط : 29599
    السٌّمعَة : 0
    الدولة : أثيوبيا
    مزاجى : اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش... 8911
    المهنة : اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش... Engine10
    الهواية : اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش... Writin10

    اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش... Empty رد: اكبر مكتبة ماسدجات انجليش...

    مُساهمة من طرف M.FoUdA الأحد مايو 31, 2009 4:05 pm


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